Challenge to Martial Art
〜Let's find new yourself through "Traditional Eisyunken"〜
You want to look cool?
This self defense Chinese martial art was founded by a nun. Mainly uses a close distance technique and no need a power arms or legs. This is a big reason why we chose this specific technique for kids who are with disabilities. If you can master "one technique" you will look like a super hero!
Who : Elementary and Middle School kids
When : February 22nd (Sat), 2020
10:00-11:00 (Door will be open @ 9:45)
Where: Around Shinagawa/Osaki(Will announce the detail later)
Price : Members 3,500円 Non-Members 4,500円
(incudes facility fee)


It was right when COVID-19 started to show so there were only two participants. Despite the situation, we all had fun!!


The basic of martcial art starts from greetings. Greeting to the teacher and greetings to each other. When you can do it in a style, you already look pretty cool.✨①。
The first thing we learned was basic stances Spread your legs to the width of your shoulders and both hands right in front of you. If you are right handed, you put your right hand closer to you and your left hand further away, towards your opponent. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed. ②
Your middle line is protected by your hands. That's where you hands should be. When your opponent attacks you, and your hands are on your middle line, you will be able to protect your weak points because your hands will redirect your opponents energy. We practiced this movement throughout the lesson. Well, we all understood the theory, but I have to admit it was more difficult than it sounds. ③
We practiced the technique for when your opponent uses their legs. to attack. When they attack you from your right (opponent's left leg) , you raise your right leg to receive it. On the other hand, if the attack is from your left (opponent's right leg), you raise your left leg ④.
We finally learned "attacking back". When you are receiving their attack, there will always be a split second of attacking back. When you succeed in blocking their attack, you push back their hand and slide to their side. This is when you must attack right under their chin where its human's weak point. And punch punch punch!!! ⑤⑥
We practiced these flow as many time as our time allowed. You just need to let your body know what you want to do.
Martial Art is a perfect exercise to build up your core muscle. There is no need to master complicated techniques. You should practice how to punch with your own speed. All you have to do is practice and you will figure out what stance with the locations of your limbs is the best for your flow.
At the end, we finished up with "greetings" again., with respect to your instructor and your friends who practice with you.
"Thank you very much!" ⑦
We only had two participants, but we all learned a lot of interesting things. We could see kids' eyes started to sparkle and their techniques got better as we practiced. And they both were standing with confidence.
We think this special lesson was very meaningful to the kids and by repeating these step, they will gain more knowledge, techniques, and confidence which lead to know themselves better.
Thank you again Mr Ishizaka!! It was awesome!!!



石坂 聡
Ishizaka, Satoshi

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